Medium Adhesion

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

hurry up and wait

just sitting here waiting today....

We've updated the weight and re-submitted all the formal documents to the verifying agency. now we wait.

We had heard that there was a problem with the Air Cushion transportation system. (long boring story.) It turns out one guy had already bought them, but just didn't tell anyone else. Really, amazing stuff. I'm trying to figure out if the cloud of disinformation from our view point is just a language barrier, or if it is actually this bad. Beginning to think it's not the language. Ok, problem solved.

In order for us to move this beast into the building on the Champs Elysees - they need to close down a part of the street, so there are all kinds of police permits that need to happen. Now we are a few days behind and waiting. I'm sitting in my hotel room on a bright sunny Paris day, writing manuals. very exciting.

I hope to have more news soon. In the mean time, here's a picture of Chico sweeping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had a good time Sun with Cathy and Bill at a jazz concert in Menasha. We got the blog address from them.

I have entitled it, Billy Blows Up a Myth. So much for the romance of ex-pat, huh?


6:44 AM  

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